The Reparative Digital Archive Platform

a demo and experiment in mending and repair

Contents: About the Design Studios | About CollectionBuilder | Tech

About the Design Studios

Humane Tech Design Studios are events that bring together academics, technologists and changemakers to collaborate on the problems brought on by new technologies and intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as screen addiction, Zoom exhaustion, misinformation and lost intimacy. The events create space for participants to reflect, imagine and co-create actionable “How might we” questions that they can activate in their own lives.

Each studio includes two to three movements where participants start with divergent thinking, move to convergent thinking, and activate those insights in the final movement. To activate, participants used their shared understanding to collaborate on larger, thematic questions aimed to improve their present lives and future.

To further the impact of these events, the Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics is working to create a living, digital archive of participants’ insights and discoveries. The first iteration of that digital archive lives at this Miro board. The Human(e) Tech Design Studio series will continue in the fall, with hosts and themes to be announced later this summer.

About CollectionBuilder

This site is generated using CollectionBuilder-GH, a project to create a free and simple digital collection using GitHub Pages from:

The template repository features four objects from the University of Idaho Library’s Digital Collections.

For full details of creating your own collection site, visit CollectionBuilder Documentation!

Partners, Stakeholders, and Co-Conspirators